2022 Winter Trip

English Leadership Ministry (ELM) is coming to the US! We would love to share what God is doing in Korea with wonderful people of North Korea living in South Korea. We’ll be accompanied by five NK college students to share their stories and their dreams to pursue God’s purpose in their lives. Please join us and hear the amazing personal testimonies from North Koreans!

North Korea Mission in 21st Century

We’ve learned about North Korea through the lenses of media and history books. Changes of time have moved the NK mission forward and shifted the paradigm through North Koreans already living in South Korea.

English Leadership Ministry provides English tutoring classes, mentoring and career counseling to NK college students living in Seoul. Our main goal is to disciple and to empower the students to realize God’s purpose in their lives.

Here are the topics we’ll be discussing:

  1. Current state of North Korea mission

  2. North Koreans living in South Korea

  3. Empowerment through education

  4. Future generations of Koreans

We’re excited to share more about ELM! Please contact samuelosee@gmail.com to schedule a time to speak with your congregation or your group.


2022 Spring / Summer